What's new?

The Cavalier Alumni Association had its third official Board Call on Sunday, March 6th (3/06/22) to discuss updates to the Board documents, plans for 2022, and opportunities to engage our alumni and support the Corps.

The Board Call Minutes are shared here for you, as a FMM, to read and feel included in our development as a whole organization.

You will notice Action Items at the bottom of the Minutes, which are tangible goals we seek to accomplish between Board Calls, and we need YOUR help as an alumni to fulfill them. 

If you would like to join a Sub-Committee to accomplish any of our goals, simply send an email to the designated Board Member for each action item (firstname.lastname@cavaliers.org) or post in the Alumni Association Facebook page and tag your Board Member.

Thanks for all of your involvement, and we look forward to keeping you up-to-date with the Corps and all activities happening in 2022!


April 7-9, 2022: WGI Color Guard Championships (potential alumni gathering in Dayton, OH; TBD by Brandon


April 21-23, 2022: WGI Percussion/Winds Championships (potential alumni gathering in Dayton, OH; TBD by

Brandon Barrometti)

April 23, 2022: Chicago Wolves game (Rosemont, IL; hosted by Kevin Sender & Ezekiel Jackson) sign up at splooie.info to get your tickets!



Brandon Barrometti - President | Philip Mayard - Vice President | Ezekiel Jackson - Secretary | Nathan Huxtable - Historian

Dan Brunk, David Delikat, Norman Dziedzic, Ryan Ling, Ed Ribar, Kevin Sender, Jordan Yi

Email us at CAAboard@cavaliers.org